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Genetic Signatures

Genetic Signatures is an established, global molecular diagnostics company providing configurable syndromic testing for a broad range of infectious diseases. The Company manufactures multiplex real-time PCR assays under the EasyScreen™ brand to support detection of over 100 clinically relevant pathogens. EasyScreenTM detection kits use patented, innovative 3base® technology which chemically converts the naturally occurring 4-base genome to one of 3 bases. This improves PCR efficiency and reduces the genetic complexity of detecting pathogens. This is particularly beneficial for detecting pathogen subtypes and providing increased resistance to mutations or variants, as observed with SARS-CoV-2.

Genetic Signatures’ EasyScreenTM detection kits are offered in conjunction with a suite of automated systems which enable an end-to-end streamlined workflow. Hospitals and diagnostic laboratories value the ability detect a large number of pathogens in a single sample, whist preserving throughput, providing timely and accurate diagnosis to improve patient management, and disease surveillance.

Genetic Signatures’ EasyScreen™ products are accessible in over 30 countries, with direct representation in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia, and distribution partners in Canada, South America, Africa and other European nations. Products are used for IVD use and research purposes.

Visit www.geneticsignatures.com for more information.